Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc Charitable Purposes and Approaches
The Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. shoulders the mission to bring light into the dark human society today by delivering the profound teachings of a set of new moral principals which are deeply rooted in the Law of the Universe.
These principals can help modern people rectify their wrong notions and actions which are deeply rooted in the destructive ideologies of atheism, evolution theory and communism, which are misleading humanity to go against the Law of the Universe.
The entire human world is currently facing an eminent danger of self-destruction due to the appeared dominating dark forces of modern wrong notions controlling most of modern people, even those who are considered to be the Intellectual Elites in Education, Health, Media, Business, Law and National Leaders of the human world.
Under the influence of the dark forces of wrong ideologies, human beings are completely lost in delusion and are pursuing the dreams of health and happiness with methods that are labeled to be modern science and technology but in reality are violating the Law of the Universe and thus are only speeding up the self-destruction process of the human world!
Light of Truth is the only hope of salvation to human world!
Here are some most fundamental Truth for the human beings:
Human beings are fundamentally different from animals since human bodies and human spirits have unique origin, history, culture, structure, characters, energy systems, potential and ultimate destiny. The energy systems of human bodies can be cultivated through a set of spiritual and physical disciplines to be constantly upgraded. The cultivation of the unique human energy system requires a precious substance, or using modern term of modern physics, can be called a quantum field, which has been mentioned repeatedly in all forms of spiritual teachings of both the East and the West: Virtue. Virtue is a real energy which can be cultivated following the true scientific disciplines in the human world, which are called Morality. All disorders in the human body or human society are rooted in the opposite substance, or quantum field, called Karma (in spiritual science schools of the East) or Sin (in spiritual science schools of the West). All genuine spiritual science schools that can bring humanity true health, happiness, peace and prosperity teaches Morality which guides human beings to accumulate Virtue and avoid or eliminate Karma (Sin).
It is based upon such deep understandings of true human life science that we are now setting out to build the Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. which carry the mission to:
I. To advance human new morality and bring light into the current dark human society.
Specifically, we will focus on these objectives:
I. We will create and deliver moral teaching materials which have been validated by spiritual practitioners who follow the moral disciplines and validated the good energy associated with these teachings. The moral teaching materials will be in three languages: English, Chinese and Korean, and in three formats: books, audios and videos.
2. These teaching materials will be offered to all people following standard 501c3 non-profit organization practice: community outreach through public websites, social media platforms, conferences, workshops, street booths, collaborations with newspapers, television stations, radio stations, other community-based non-profit organizations, education institutions, public schools, libraries, education and research institutions.
3. We aim to make major impact to help the public school students and college students to understand that human morality is the foundation of human health, happiness, success, wealth, and peace.
4. The three Elite professionals of the human world: Teachers (Professors), Medical Doctors and Lawyers will be invited specifically to the Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. to participate in conferences and workshops with focuses on major human disorders such as Drug Addiction, Violence Prevention, Suicidal Prevention, and learn and together advance moral practices which can rectify these disorders.
5. National leaders in Communist China, North Korea, and Russia who are being controlled by the dangerous destructive ideologies which are violating fundamental human moral principals need compassionate awakening education which the Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. will deliver. The Light of Moral Truth can disperse the delusional evil thoughts of these leaders to prevent War and save many precious lives!
II. To correct the disorders and bring new orders into the human world:
Modern people now are suffering from many health disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. According to the most advanced research discoveries of modern life science, all these disorders are caused by excess stress responses in the human mind-body system which fail to handle the stress and leads to system-level breakdown. People with these system-level diseases are called immune-compromised population which are most vulnerable during the Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID19) global plague (modern science mistakenly called it a global pandemic). In face of these system-level human diseases, including the modern plague of COVID19, modern life science fails to deliver a cure. But the great spiritual practitioners of Falun Dafa ( validated that by returning to traditional values and follow human morality disciplines, total recoveries from even late-stage cancer or diabetes are possible! Returning to Spiritual Disciplines centered with Human Moral Disciplines from East and West all have proven to have the ability to rectify human body disorders as well as human social disorders, such as:
1. Social Violence
2. Drug Abuse
3. Family and Marriage Crisis
4. Deviated Human Sexual Behaviors
5. Communism and Socialism
6. Corruptions and Scams
7. War
If human being can follow moral disciplines, then family as the cell of human society will be strong and healthy, then community will enjoy peace and harmony, then nation will be great and prosper, and thus the human world will have a new order that is perfectly balanced for its role in the universe!
The Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. will research, develop, deliver the best moral teaching contents and methods to specifically help those who are at the frontier of each fields aiming to correct human body disorders and human social disorders in order to fulfill the mission.
III. To Clean Up Evil Thoughts in People's Minds
Evil Thoughts of People's Minds such as the Eight Evil Mental States mentioned in New Moral Teachings from Korea: Seong Deok Do:
“The Eight Kinds of the Evil Mind are the Root of Death”
八惡死之根 (팔악사지근)
The eight kinds of the evil heart are the root of death.
毒心 (독심)
The Heart of Poison
色心 (색심)
The Heart of Lustfulness
貪心 (탐심)
The Heart of Greed
妒心 (투심)
The Heart of Jealousy
欺心 (기심)
The Heart of Deceit and Bullying
邪心 (사심)
The Heart of Evil
嗔心 (진심)
The Heart of Anger
我心 (아심)
The Heart of Selfishness
These eight kinds of evil hearts are connected with many wrong doings which lead to the accumulation of dark quantum field called Karma (Sin) which are the roots of all forms of human world disorders and human body disorders. Great moral disciplines can help human beings to eradicate these evil thoughts and replace them with Good and Kind Mental States:
“The Eight Kinds of the Good Heart are the Root of Life”
八善生之根 (팔선생지근)
The eight kinds of the good heart are the root of life.
孝心 (효심)
The Heart of Filial Piety
忠心 (충심)
The Heart of Loyalty
德心 (덕심)
The Heart of Virtue
慈心 (자심)
The Heart of Kindness
和心 (화심)
The Heart of Harmony
默心 (묵심)
The Heart of Silence
信心 (신심)
The Heart of Faith
正心 (정심)
The Heart of Righteousness
These eight kinds of good hearts lead to the accumulation of the opposite quantum field called Virtue, the foundation of all human health, happiness and peace.
The Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. will train Moral Teachers who will be specialized in unique skills of helping people to identify, expose, eradicate evil thoughts and then establish the daily practice of using Good Kind Thoughts to live virtuous lives.
The true human life science of morality will be validated through the application of the most advanced molecular biology: human thoughts are in fact real matters with powerful manifestations at human molecular levels.
The Sacred Virtue Way Institute Inc. will use scientific methods to reveal that by cleaning up evil thoughts from mind, human body made of molecules and cells will display a new operational mode which corresponds to healing from diseases. Such work has been carried out at the Whole Elephant Institute: